Thank you!

Did anybody notice our update on the HelpersUnite page? We’re actually giving away a priceless prize to the first five people (that’s right, just the first 5) who donate at least $25: You’ll get a personalized video in which we will thank you saying your name! That is something that is going to be remembered by the generations ahead 🙂

Oh, when we mentioned the mispronounciation, in the update, we we’re joking. That is, we would not do it on purpose, it just… might happen 🙂 I mean, you watched the video, didn’t you? Anyway, that is the icing-on-a-cake of distinctiveness which makes the prize even more valuable!

Being serious… please remember that 5% of all donations made to our project will go immediately to Shine On Sierra Leone Inc, a International, Foreign Affairs & National Security charity. By supporting our project you’ll also be making a tax-deductible donation that supports this great organization. Visit our project today to learn more about both our project goals and the charity that you’ll be supporting.

the raise begins!

Here we go, The Wakefield Variation has been officially approved for a crowdfunding campaign on HelpersUnite and is now active! You can view the public profile of the campaign here. Even before you decide whether to help us or not, remember that 5% of the amount of funding collected will be given to Shine on Sierra Leone Inc. Now go read the full details of the project – and watch our hard-earned finished promotional video – and tell us what you think!


Our website is currently under restyling… it will be back real soon, better than ever 🙂